Alchemy is a combination of science and magic, practiced in past centuries with the aim to turn cheap metals such as lead or copper into silver and gold. Also the alchemists wanted to create an elixir that made man immortal and cured all diseases. To achieve this the alchemist needed what is called: the philosopher’s stone. The metaphor of alchemy counts for human transformation as well. The enlightened people of the world found the philosopher’s stone inside themselves. Because they have the ability to transform hate, sadness, anger, jealousy, greed and other so-called ‘negative’ emotions into something else. This change does not happen by repression. Ignoring the ‘lesser values’ of things and emotions do not contribute, on the contrary. The awakened one uses the hate, just like an alchemist uses lead. By touching it with total awareness inside the body the inner boiling transforms it into something new.
It is best to recognize all emotions as they rise, without making the difference between good or bad. If you want to transform things, you just have to let it transform itself, without intervention. It happens by itself as soon as you are aware of it, in the sense that you are an allowing spectator watching the miracle to unfold itself. So when you, for example, feel sadness, desire or stress in your belly, you just have to be with it and leave it for what it is. Without putting a label on it. At that time, the reason for the existence of that ‘negative emotion’ will automatically extinguish. Because it just needed to be seen by you. The cause of the emotion has always something to do with the past. It can be a pushed away child’s trauma caused by rejection, punishment etcetera. When it emerges, it has the opportunity to transform.
There can be some pain when this transformation takes place, but you will be surprised how easy your system can handle it, if you don’t resist or flee from it. While you become aware of the process behind it, you can easily put it in a broader perspective. If you consciously become aware of the stuck energy that is stored inside the nooks and crannies of your mind and body, the soul flushes it away instantly. Although this flush can be intensive as it starts to move. Anxiety has a strong urge to exaggerate. Fear always shows the most terrible scenario imaginable, so you are prepared for the worst. That is not a pleasant ride, but if you permit to let it communicate with you in the language of emotions, it gets the chance to ease down.
Never ignore your feelings or thoughts. If you give them attention without identification it can’t get a grip on you. Probably it’s just babbling nonsense. But if there’s a whispering deep inside you that there is something wrong, its better to deal with it while it’s still a (imaginary) whispering than wait fort he (realistic) problem in the future. Just see whether it is a problem that you can solve (or just an existential fear). Yes, you can prepare yourself. Give up all resistance and attempts to escape from reality as it is. What happens then is the miraculous alchemy that turns your imaginary hell into sweet paradise. Just stop running and you’ll see that the gates of heaven will open. In fact, they were always open. You just have to open your inner eye and see, and realize that you don’t have to keep searching fort he philosopher’s stone, because you already have it. It is YOU!